
In association with the top-ranked banks, we offer all sorts of financial services for NRI.

🔖 NRI Bank Account 

🔖 OCI Card - ocicard.ozg.in

🔖 FEMA Updates - fema.ozg.in

🔖 NRI Loans

🔖 NRI Investments 

🔖 NRI Donations & Gifts

_OZG FEMA Consultants - Recommended by Officials at Reserve Bank of India & Enforcement Directorate._

 - Email: ask@fema.in

📌 We have got a community for DSA/Retail Bankers & Financers.

📌 Regularly, we coordinate with law enforcement dept., financial institutions and their regulatory bodies, primarily RBI & SEBI to sort out the problems faced by the public.

📌 We have an in-house legal team associated with local lawyers.